Thursday, November 8, 2012

Digestive issues....who else has them?

Ok, so if you have a squeamish tummy, you might want to close this post right now...NO WAIT, I am just kidding. This blog post is for those of you with tummy issues.

For years, I have struggled with digestive problems. I remember years ago, driving home from work with my pants unzipped in the car, due to my stomach being in pain, bloated and cramping. I have taken every possible supplement to try to stay regular, to no avail.  I have eaten the yogurt that says it will help you go, I have added fiber to my food....the list goes on and on.

I finally discovered the cure for my stomach issues and it was such an easy fix. For a few years, I had dabbled in being gluten free. The interesting thing is, that many gluten free foods are just junk food in disguise. They are still heavily laden with sugar and white processed ingredients. Yes, I found it is possible to be a gluten free junk food addict.

In April of this year, I did a cleanse that is essentially an elimination diet. This one in particular lasted 21 days and gradually weaned me off of the things I shouldn't eat. It took out the obvious culprits immediately, like artificial sweeteners and white flour and sugar. But it let me have a bit of yogurt and some meat, then over the course of the three week plan, ended in essentially a grain-free, gluten-free, vegan diet. At the conclusion of the 21 days, I could start to add things back one at a time to see what caused symptoms to return.

The suggestion with most cleanses is to reintroduce one food back in every three days. This gives you body time to give you the clues needed to determine if it is a problem for you.

During the 21 days, I went to the bathroom regularily, never bloated or had painful gas and just generally felt good. Other than an intense desire to eat chicken and bacon, I was doing well.  Obviously, meat was the first addition back for me. I added chicken on day 22 and it went well. My energy came back, and I could go back to eating two or three meals a day and always feeling like I was full.  Coffee (organic) came back next. Also, this went just fine. No jitters or headaches at all. A cup or two a day was enough now though, rather than drinking it all day. 

The next thing back was a grain. I don't even recall which one, but it would have been brown rice or sprouted pasta or something similar, since that is all we have in the house. DISASTER STRUCK! Bloating, stomach pain and gas were back, within hours. I stayed away from grains until the day of my wedding. It was a beautiful June day, and we had gourmet cupcakes instead of a wedding cake. They were made locally, taste awesome and are sourced with as many fresh, local ingredients as possible. If you are going to eat a cupcake, these are the ones to choose. SO, I ate one. Not a good plan. Again, my stomach issues were back with a vengeance.

So, I have decided that grains are what cause my stomach issues.  I added back some other things after that, like raw milk cheddar cheese and feta cheese. Those are fine with my stomach. I have decided to not reintroduce conventional dairy, just because I don't want to, but I am thinking I don't have much issue with those either.

What other things are NEVER COMING BACK INTO MY DIET?
1. Artificial Sweeteners
2. White sugar
3. High fructose corn syrup
4. Most anything that has a label with more than 3 or 4 ingredients or ingredients I can't pronounce.

What do I eat you may ask?  Well tonight, we are having roasted chicken with mashed cauliflower with olive oil and spices. I will also have a glass of red wine, and for dessert a small piece of really good dark chocolate. I do what is called intermittent fasting, which is a whole blog post of it's own for a later time! Lunch is usually a salad with some kind of protein on it. Snacks can be nuts, veggies or a protein shake. I have found this way of eating keeps me full longer, so I don't end up needing tons of snacks.  The choices of foods are huge though. All fresh vegetables, lean, grassfed, organic meats of all kinds, fish, berries, nuts. I have also found ways to make some comfort foods with coconut and almond flour.

The eating plan I have ultimately fallen on as working for me, after years of trial and error, is called the "Paleo diet". It isn't a diet but a way of life, and it works for me. We are all different though, so you need to go through your own process to find your way.

Here is the conclusion to the story. We all have something that could potentially be causing our chronic health issues. Whether you are dealing with digestive problems like I was, or chronic headaches, achy joints or a myriad of other health issues, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU TRY THE ELIMINATION DIET BEFORE YOU SPEND A BUNCH OF MONEY ON MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS!

We tend to do it the other way around. When the western healthcare system finally fails us, we go to the natural ways. Why not try the easy, low-cost way first?  If you would like some resources to get started, please contact me at or comment on this blog post and I will hook you up with some stuff!! The elimination diet isn't easy, but it is worth the time and effort to feel better!

Have a great day!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Finding Happy First....

I know lots of people these days who just aren't happy. They aren't happy with their job, relationships, finances, house...whatever.

I discovered a secret a few years ago. You have to find happy first, then the rest will follow. I know that may sound corny, but it is true. If you are not happy in your own skin, nothing else will MAKE you happy.  You could have a great spouse, a nice house and money in the bank. None of these things on their own will create happiness for you.

The secret came to me when I was living in an apartment, by myself, after ending a 25 year marriage. I had been miserable for years, and no one saw it, not even me. I moved into the apartment above my yoga studio with just a computer and an air mattress and some books. I read, meditated, practiced yoga and worked at my part-time job at our local food cooperative. I started to find myself. The person I had pushed aside many years before to live some kind of twisted American dream.

I learned to be happy with myself. I learned that I didn't need money, a fancy job or a new car to be happy. I didn't need a man or a relationship with someone else to be happy.  I was fun to be with, just me, myself and I. I stumbled through some screwed up relationships to come that realization though, but each was a learning experience that led me to being happy with myself.

It is true that people and circumstances can make your life feel miserable, but you have to be confident and happy enough with yourself to walk away from those things and set your sights on something bigger and better!

When I met the man who would become my husband in 2010, I was at that point. I was happy with me, I was comfortable with my lifestyle, my income (or lack thereof!) and myself. He lets me be me and I let him be him. We do our own thing, then come together to spend time with each other. We have that kind of relationship that some people just roll their eyes at and I don't really care!

It is so important to define you. Write down your hopes, dreams and goals. Make a list of things that are important to you and that contribute to your happiness. Then read your list! Read it TWICE everyday!! Write down these things like they already happened.  I would fill pages and pages of my journal with my hopes, dreams and aspirations. Then I would read them over and over.

No, life is never perfect, but when you are happy with yourself, you can weather the storms that come your way much more effectively.

So today, find happy, and the rest will follow!

Have a great day!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Did I Retire or am I only Imagining it?

This morning, as Steve and I were standing in the kitchen at 8:15 drinking coffee, we got to chatting about retirement. He said "I think we already did."

I had to think about that one. We both work long hours. I am usually not home until 9pm or later from teaching yoga classes or meeting with clients. So did we retire and not realize it? We think we did!

Steve gets to plan his days. He is busy beyond busy with projects for homeowners. He went from roofing a garage to painting a living room to completing a deck in the course of about 12 hours. He is the guy who shows up on time, works like crazy to finish your project and cleans up after himself when he is done, thus, he gets alot of work!  Why does he think he is retired? BECAUSE HE LOVES WHAT HE DOES!

When you get to spend your day doing things you enjoy, rather than looking at the clock constantly you can feel like you aren't working.  There is an old saying "Find something you love to do and you will never work a day in your life". I am totally in agreement!

Yes, my day started this morning around 8am. I returned phone calls and emails, planned my yoga classes for tonight, put together a spreadsheet for an accounting client and reconciled a client checking account. I also did a one hour workout, got chili started in the crockpot, cleaned the cat litter and the bathroom and took a shower! This afternoon I talked with a wellness client on the phone to go through her plan for this coming week for fitness, food and work (she also works from home!!).  We also discussed and shared some personal development information.

All in all, it has been a very productive day. It is almost 4pm, and I need to get dressed to go teach yoga. It seems like my day has just started and NOW I get to spend the evening with some of my favorite people! My YoGa StUdEnTs!! 

Yes, I guess I am retired in my own special way. I work 10-12 hours a day, doing things I absolutely love to do . Of course there are those moments when I have to do a task I don't enjoy, but all-in-all, I wouldn't change a thing. Tomorrow? More of the same! Maybe I will get to visit my granddaughter. Another perk of working from home!! Would you like to learn how to join me? I can help you find your passion if you are interested!

Have a great rest of your Wednesday!

Monday, October 22, 2012

I am a runner...really I am

I heard the same thing from another runner this morning, so it is time to address the subject.  Those of you who know me, know that I do not LOOK like a runner, yoga teacher or fitness freak, but I am!

I don't look like someone with a clean diet, but I am! On an average day, I do a resistance workout (between 30 and 60 minutes), I run or do some other cardio almost everyday and I teach 6 yoga classes a week.

My diet is about as clean as they come for the most part. I do, of course, fall off the wagon every now and again. I had a few rough weeks here and it shows. I was still working out, just like always, but I ate some cookies and drank a bit too much wine. The result? About 5 pounds back on.

I am back on track now, with a diet that is pretty much the Primal or Paleo diet. I each lots of vegetables, nuts, seeds, meat, eggs and minimal fruit. I cut out most grains, other than some occasional quinoa (which by the way is actually a seed, not a grain!).

I started a new workout program yesterday. I find that by mixing it up, it is easier to either lose weight or maintain. I will continue to run a few times a week, teach all my yoga classes and do some resistance work almost everyday (because I LOVE IT!).

The moral of this story is: You don't have to look like you are fit to everyone else in the world. You need to know you are fit and healthy! It is about YOU, not about THEM! If someone says to you "Wow, you don't look like a runner", just ignore them. What does a runner look like anyway? I have seen many a marathon runner who doesn't look like a marathon runner!

I have had people come into my yoga classes, take a look at me and think to themselves "well this should be a walk in the park". Guess what? It isn't!! I am strong, fit and healthy. I am a GIRL, who can lead you through an excellent yoga practice.

I also can understand the frustration of those who workout and eat right and still don't feel like they look fit. Let it go...know that you are doing what you need to do for you! Ignore all the pictures of those 6-pack stomachs and informercials that make you feel self-concious.

Once you can get beyond all of that and be happy with yourself, you will find the best you possible. It may not "look" like the best you the magazines tell you you should look like, but it will truly be the best you!

Have a great day!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

So You Started a Business!

Starting your own business is one of the best things in the world! Maybe you have this awesome idea for a service or product. Perhaps a franchise catches your eye and now you are a small business owner.

You spend your days creating promotional items, getting advertising coordinated, meeting with potential customers or clients. Your days are long, filled with working on building your business and creating an awesome client base to help you make money!

How long are your days? For most new business owners, the day starts before the sun comes up and ends well after the sun goes down. You are passionate about your business and it shows! You spend every waking minute thinking about it, working on it and creating it.

What falls between the cracks? Well, there are a few things:

1. Your personal health: I talked with a potential accounting client recently who actually owns a fitness related business. He is surrounded by fitness every day, but his days are consumed with marketing and customer relations. He isn't leaving time for his own fitness. Eating is a whole different challenge when you own your own business. Time is tight and sometimes money is as well. Quick stuff at a fast food place tends to be your choice unless you choose not to eat at all until you get home at night. Either option isn't good.

2. Your accounting system and tracking your income and expenses falls WAY BEHIND! I call it "Shoebox Syndrome". Your thought is that you will deal with that later, so you just throw it all in a box. The other thing that often happens is that you don't feel like you have the money to hire an accountant or bookkeeper, so you try to do it all yourself. I have seen many a business owner who ends up with a marathon session around tax time trying to get everything organized so they can have their tax return prepared. Not a good plan.

3. Family: Do your kids or spouse wonder who you are when you get home late at night? My husband just started his own business and a week or so ago, I sent him a text message after it got dark outside, asking "Where did you go?" I miss him sometimes because he gets so caught up in the job at hand that he forgets to come home!

How do we remedy these thing? The sure way to remedy this problem is to set hours and workspace, and MAKE SURE to schedule fitness, food and family into your day. Well, personal health and family, I will deal with in detail in a future post!  Today I want to focus on 2. 

Your accounting system will do several things for you that are vital to the long term success of your business!!! You MUST FOCUS ON THIS RIGHT AWAY FROM THE START!! 

Buying Quickbooks is your first step. As a Quickbooks Pro Advisor, I can get you a discount on that software!! Just email me at and we will set up a time to take care of that part!

Secondly, it needs to be set up correctly so that you can track your income and expenses. It takes a little time and a good accountant to get that set up for you. It is not something you should tackle on your own generally.  I have seen many a mess created that takes alot of time to fix if the system isn't set up correctly in the beginning.

Ok, so I guess the true first step is to find someone to help you get it all together, set up your system, monitor your system and be there for you to make sure that your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly tasks are completed! YES YOU CAN AFFORD TO HIRE AN ACCOUNTANT!!

Not hiring a good accountant from the start will cost you money in the long run. I have often told potential clients "If I charge you $1000 and save you $4000 in taxes was the expense worth it?". Of course it was! It may (actually probably will) cost you more to not have a good financial person on your team.  You have to make sure that is part of your budget as you begin your business. A good accountant and accounting system is vital to your business. 

How will you know if your prices are right if you don't know your profit margin? How will you be able to pay your bills if you don't know the balance in your checking account? How will you know how much to put aside for taxes if you have no idea what your net income is? How will you pay yourself?

Feel free to email me at or check out my website at  for more information about me and my services.  I would love to help you get your new business off to the right start!!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yoga for EVERYONE!

Everyone can practice yoga. Really, I am not kidding. You do not need to be ultra-flexible. You do not need to be in good physical condition. You just need to want to try.

My first yoga experience was not a good one. I purchased some DVD's and tried it at home. Not the best idea. The teacher in the DVD twisted himself into a pretzel, the music was awful and I couldn't watch the TV while trying to twist myself around.  I almost gave up.

Then I signed up for a community education class with a real, well-trained yoga instructor. It was wonderful. She helped me to find the poses through verbal cues and physical adjustments.  She offered guidance, in a non-judgemental way, to help me around the roll of belly fat that I had at that time, to make poses more comfortable and attainable. She had relaxing music, and a soothing voice.  After this little 3 week session, I was hooked on yoga.

Yoga led me to other things. I quit smoking within a few weeks of starting my yoga practice.  I replaced smoking with a walk around the block instead of a cigarette. The walking led to weight loss instead of the typical weight gain associated with quitting.  The walking ultimately led to running, which led me to train for a marathon. I completed that marathon in 2003, only 2 years after my journey of yoga began. 

Yoga is MORE than the physical postures (called asana). Yoga teaches you to honor your body. It teaches you your limits and how to push past them. It teaches you patience, focus and calm. It helps you to look past the bad and see the good. It helps you to create the best you possible through trial, error and learning.

I would love to introduce you to yoga, no matter where you are physically right now. It is more than the physical you, it is all of you. Won't you join me? or visit the website at  

Call me if you have questions or would like to talk at 608-797-1990 

Have a great day!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Walking the Walk

Over the last 10 years of teaching yoga and fitness classes, I have been asked many things. I usually have an answer that is one I would follow under similar circumstances, but I don't always "walk the walk" as they say.

This last year has been an eye opener for me.  I had taken a few years off of working full-time to pursue some other challenges in my life.  I had found a way to make it financially through cobbling together part-time work, contract work and living very frugally. I decided a year ago that I needed to make more money and that I was wasting my degree by doing these part-time things and just getting by. 

I realized how difficult it is to get everything in during the day. I found myself working from sun-up to sundown to fit everything in during the course of 24 hours. Of course, I continued to teach 4 yoga classes every week, and tried to fit in workouts on the other days. I also was in a new relationship that needed nurturing and time to develop.

What I found was that even though I was trying to eat well and workout, it wasn't happening. My workouts were minimal at best, and I ate out way to much due to perceived time limitations. It is much easier to hit snooze and get in an additional 15 minutes of sleep than it is to get up and make lunch. This was hazardous to my eating habits, as it often ended with some kind of fast food lunch. I even tried to keep those in the "Standard American Diet" version of healthy, by eating a salad or a turkey sub. My body doesn't react well to that kind of eating and lax workouts, so I gained 30 pounds in the course of about 6 months.

In March of 2012, I decided it was time to get back on track.  I did the Beachbody Reset to get back on track with my eating. I also signed up for three half marathons to get me back on track fitness wise. Anyone who has done one of those knows you can't just walk up to the start line and run 13.1 miles, so I had to train. By the time I stepped up to the start line for the  first one in May, I had lost 20 pounds and had gotten back on track with my workouts.My time was horrible and I could hardly roll out of bed the next morning, but I did it!

By the next race in August, I had run alot over the summer, lost about 10 more pounds and I managed to  cut 24 minutes off my time from May. I was also doing Les Mills Pump and Body Beast , two resistance training workouts from Beachbody. I love lifting weights, and it really helps me to tone up, which cardio and long slow running does not do. I am still no where near where I was 5 years ago, but I am back on track. When I did the final of the three half marathons 6 days after the August one, I felt good and was only 2 1/2 minutes slower than the one the week before!

I managed to do all of this while working two jobs and teaching classes, so I know it can be done. I needed to start "walking the walk" again and commit to my fitness and wellness plans and goals.

I have "been there and done that" and I would love to help you find the time, the plan and the system that will work for you to fit healthy eating and fitness into your hectic and busy schedule.  It is an important goal for me to help others find their healthy path! It is different for everyone, so if one path doesn't work for you, another one might! It may take some trial and error, but we can figure it out together. Email me at or if you would like to talk about getting yourself back on track! Also feel free to visit one of my websites at for my yoga studio information or for my accounting/business coaching services!!

Oh, by the way, I am back to cobbling together part-time stuff and contract work to make a living and it is truly my happy place. A regular full-time job is just not my thing. I like the challenge of figuring it out every day.

Have a great week!
