Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yoga for EVERYONE!

Everyone can practice yoga. Really, I am not kidding. You do not need to be ultra-flexible. You do not need to be in good physical condition. You just need to want to try.

My first yoga experience was not a good one. I purchased some DVD's and tried it at home. Not the best idea. The teacher in the DVD twisted himself into a pretzel, the music was awful and I couldn't watch the TV while trying to twist myself around.  I almost gave up.

Then I signed up for a community education class with a real, well-trained yoga instructor. It was wonderful. She helped me to find the poses through verbal cues and physical adjustments.  She offered guidance, in a non-judgemental way, to help me around the roll of belly fat that I had at that time, to make poses more comfortable and attainable. She had relaxing music, and a soothing voice.  After this little 3 week session, I was hooked on yoga.

Yoga led me to other things. I quit smoking within a few weeks of starting my yoga practice.  I replaced smoking with a walk around the block instead of a cigarette. The walking led to weight loss instead of the typical weight gain associated with quitting.  The walking ultimately led to running, which led me to train for a marathon. I completed that marathon in 2003, only 2 years after my journey of yoga began. 

Yoga is MORE than the physical postures (called asana). Yoga teaches you to honor your body. It teaches you your limits and how to push past them. It teaches you patience, focus and calm. It helps you to look past the bad and see the good. It helps you to create the best you possible through trial, error and learning.

I would love to introduce you to yoga, no matter where you are physically right now. It is more than the physical you, it is all of you. Won't you join me? or visit the website at  

Call me if you have questions or would like to talk at 608-797-1990 

Have a great day!


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