Ok, so if you have a squeamish tummy, you might want to close this post right now...NO WAIT, I am just kidding. This blog post is for those of you with tummy issues.
For years, I have struggled with digestive problems. I remember years ago, driving home from work with my pants unzipped in the car, due to my stomach being in pain, bloated and cramping. I have taken every possible supplement to try to stay regular, to no avail. I have eaten the yogurt that says it will help you go, I have added fiber to my food....the list goes on and on.
I finally discovered the cure for my stomach issues and it was such an easy fix. For a few years, I had dabbled in being gluten free. The interesting thing is, that many gluten free foods are just junk food in disguise. They are still heavily laden with sugar and white processed ingredients. Yes, I found it is possible to be a gluten free junk food addict.
In April of this year, I did a cleanse that is essentially an elimination diet. This one in particular lasted 21 days and gradually weaned me off of the things I shouldn't eat. It took out the obvious culprits immediately, like artificial sweeteners and white flour and sugar. But it let me have a bit of yogurt and some meat, then over the course of the three week plan, ended in essentially a grain-free, gluten-free, vegan diet. At the conclusion of the 21 days, I could start to add things back one at a time to see what caused symptoms to return.
The suggestion with most cleanses is to reintroduce one food back in every three days. This gives you body time to give you the clues needed to determine if it is a problem for you.
During the 21 days, I went to the bathroom regularily, never bloated or had painful gas and just generally felt good. Other than an intense desire to eat chicken and bacon, I was doing well. Obviously, meat was the first addition back for me. I added chicken on day 22 and it went well. My energy came back, and I could go back to eating two or three meals a day and always feeling like I was full. Coffee (organic) came back next. Also, this went just fine. No jitters or headaches at all. A cup or two a day was enough now though, rather than drinking it all day.
The next thing back was a grain. I don't even recall which one, but it would have been brown rice or sprouted pasta or something similar, since that is all we have in the house. DISASTER STRUCK! Bloating, stomach pain and gas were back, within hours. I stayed away from grains until the day of my wedding. It was a beautiful June day, and we had gourmet cupcakes instead of a wedding cake. They were made locally, taste awesome and are sourced with as many fresh, local ingredients as possible. If you are going to eat a cupcake, these are the ones to choose. SO, I ate one. Not a good plan. Again, my stomach issues were back with a vengeance.
So, I have decided that grains are what cause my stomach issues. I added back some other things after that, like raw milk cheddar cheese and feta cheese. Those are fine with my stomach. I have decided to not reintroduce conventional dairy, just because I don't want to, but I am thinking I don't have much issue with those either.
What other things are NEVER COMING BACK INTO MY DIET?
1. Artificial Sweeteners
2. White sugar
3. High fructose corn syrup
4. Most anything that has a label with more than 3 or 4 ingredients or ingredients I can't pronounce.
What do I eat you may ask? Well tonight, we are having roasted chicken with mashed cauliflower with olive oil and spices. I will also have a glass of red wine, and for dessert a small piece of really good dark chocolate. I do what is called intermittent fasting, which is a whole blog post of it's own for a later time! Lunch is usually a salad with some kind of protein on it. Snacks can be nuts, veggies or a protein shake. I have found this way of eating keeps me full longer, so I don't end up needing tons of snacks. The choices of foods are huge though. All fresh vegetables, lean, grassfed, organic meats of all kinds, fish, berries, nuts. I have also found ways to make some comfort foods with coconut and almond flour.
The eating plan I have ultimately fallen on as working for me, after years of trial and error, is called the "Paleo diet". It isn't a diet but a way of life, and it works for me. We are all different though, so you need to go through your own process to find your way.
Here is the conclusion to the story. We all have something that could potentially be causing our chronic health issues. Whether you are dealing with digestive problems like I was, or chronic headaches, achy joints or a myriad of other health issues, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU TRY THE ELIMINATION DIET BEFORE YOU SPEND A BUNCH OF MONEY ON MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS!
We tend to do it the other way around. When the western healthcare system finally fails us, we go to the natural ways. Why not try the easy, low-cost way first? If you would like some resources to get started, please contact me at jennifer.monsos@gmail.com or comment on this blog post and I will hook you up with some stuff!! The elimination diet isn't easy, but it is worth the time and effort to feel better!
Have a great day!
Wow Jen, this sounds amazing and doable!! You are right we are taught to eat so unhealthy. I will just need your help with this to make sure I do it correctly, whenever I get started!!