Get Fit with Jen

Are you looking for a fitness plan? Or maybe just an accountability partner?  I can help whether you live locally or are far away!

1. Beachbody offers excellent programs if you are looking for a "turnkey" at home workout product.  Visit my website at Beachbody for more information or to pick a program.

2. I can put together a plan for you! Visit my site at for more information on personal wellness and fitness.

3. Join me for a yoga class! has the current schedule for Winona classes! Email me at with questions.

4. If you are looking for a jumpstart to finding your ultimate health start with and get your eating back on track! This was LIFE CHANGING for me and can be for you too!!

Please feel free to call me at 608-797-1990 or email me at with any questions you may have, or to set up a time to get started!!!


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